basic fjord tour from bergen
To build your own Itinerary, click to add an item to your Itinerary basket. Find out more here. The Hanseatic merchants are long gone, and no longer part of the hustle and bustle of Bryggen, but you can still experience this unique place, which…, Bryggens Museum display findings of the archaeological excavations of Bryggen from 1955 and contains the foundations of the oldest buildings in…. You then rendezvous at the quay at 11.50 to get dressed, equipped and register for the fjord safari. Basic fjord tour from Bergen. Reviews and advice on hotels, and lots more! 20:45. Cancellation: Total tid på en Basic fjord tur er ca. Auf einem sog. Large selection of fjord tours from Bergen!Enjoy one of the most famous attractions in the world on a half or full day tour.. Bergen is the Gateway to the Fjords of Norway! Masterpieces by Edvard Munch, Nikolai Astrup, Pablo Picasso, Paul Klee, J. C. Dahl and “the Silver Treasure”. 09.06 Departure Voss station 16:56 Ankunft i Bergen. Departure from Flåm: Departure from Flåm at. From Myrdal station, the tour continues on the famous Flåm Railway, one of the steepest standard gauge railway lines in the world. The Basic Fjord Tour starts at the railway station in Bergen with the scenic railway journey from Bergen to Myrdal station. This is a fully guided tour. Bryggen in Bergen wurde nach dem groβen Brand von 1702 wiedererrichtet, in der gleichen Bauweise wie die früheren „Höfe”, in denen die hanseatischen…. The Basic Fjord Tour starts at the railway station in Voss with the scenic railway journey from Voss to Myrdal station. It is also a nice place to catch a bite to eat before embarking on the fjord safari. Whisky & Beer Festival 29-30 Jan. Bergener Fischsuppe von einem echten Bergenser, Persedorsch aus Bergen – Ein traditionelles norwegisches Fischgericht, Der Champagner unter den Apfelcidern kommt aus Hardanger, Bergen - Rosendal (Der Hardangerfjord-Express). Bryggen was built after the great fire in 1702 and is included on UNESCO's World Heritage…. The Basic Fjord Tour starts at the railway station in Bergen with the scenic railway journey from Bergen to Myrdal station. 07.57 Train from Bergen Any cancellations less than 72 hours before departure will not be refunded. Wenn Sie in Myrdal ankommen, ist die Flåmsbahn sehr leicht zu finden. 7 hours 30 minutes. 8:00 Arrival in Flåm at. NOK 802. Must be booked latest the day before departure, depending on availability. Spielplatz für Kinder und Restaurant. fjord & Glacier Tour from bergen. We only had two full days on a short trip to Bergen in January 2020, and spent one on the round-trip Norway in a Nutshell tour organized by Fjord Tours. Bergen Int. The Nutshell is perhaps the most comfortable. Seit 2010 ist diese Straße Einbahnstraße, die nur noch bergabwärts befahren werden darf. New. We took the Sognefjord fjord tour which included the Flåm Railway as a round trip from Bergen. It lets you enjoy spectacular scenery along the way and includes all of the bus, boat and rail tickets you need for the entire journey. COMPLETE FJORD TOUR – FULL DAY FROM BERGEN OR VOSS. Exhibitions: Women's Contribution to the Armed Forces and The Resistance Struggle 1940-1945. I was so disappointed. Die Basic Fjordtour beginnt am Bahnhof in Bergen mit der wunderschönen Zugfahrt von Bergen bis zum Hochgebirgsbahnhof Myrdal. You change to the Flåm Railway, the Steepest line in Northern Europe, and descend to the village of Flåm, passing by Kjosfossen on the way. Whether you’re planning a long holiday in Norway or just a short break, let Fjord Tours be your expert guide - all year round. Es erwarten Sie nicht nur zahlreiche Highlights und beliebte Destinationen, Sie können ihre Route auch teilweise selbst gestalten! 10:51 Ankunft Bahnhof Myrdal The safari takes around 1 hour and 20 minutes and ends in Gudvangen. It was fantastic! Ein kulturhistorisches Museum mit Materialien aus den archäologischen Ausgrabungen auf Bryggen von 1955. The 20-km-long train ride is a fantastic journey that offers panoramic views of some of the wildest and most … The Geirangerfjord is part of our common UNESCO World Heritage.. Tour Summary: Fjord cruise from Bergen on the Sognefjord and Aurlandsfjord to Flåm. Duration. The Basic Fjord Tour lasts about nine hours, and it takes you through some of the most beautiful scenery Norway has to offer. Das Ziel heißt Voss, doch der Weg führt über die Haarnadelkurven von Stalheimskleiven, eine der steilsten befahrbaren Straßen in Europa, die an der einigen Stellen 24 % Steigung aufweist. 11.55 Arrival in Flåm The Basic Fjord Tour starts at the railway station in Bergen with the scenic railway journey from Bergen to Myrdal station. Reviews and advice on hotels, and lots more! Basic fjord safari in Flåm Fjord Cruises and Fjord Safari Join in on this soft adventure by RIB-boat and experience the Aurlandsfjord and the first part of the UNESCO listed Nærøyfjord as we visit the beautiful Sagfossen Waterfall. We … Continue reading "From Bergen to the Fjords" Any cancellations less than 72 hours before departure will not be refunded. From Myrdal station, the tour continues on the famous Flåm Railway, one of the steepest standard gauge railway lines in the world. Flåm ist ein charmantes Dorf umgeben von steil aufragenden Bergwänden, tosenden Wasserfällen und schmalen Tälern. Damit beträgt die Gesamtdauer der Basic Fjordtour rund neun Stunden, in denen Sie einige der schönsten Landschaften Norwegens gesehen haben! It is lovely just to stroll around, but you can also visit the Flåm Railway Museum. The tour requires overnight stays in Ålesund and Oslo and can be taken from Bergen as a round trip with return to Bergen. Use this tool to build your own journey or choose from an exciting range of specially selected tours. Die 20 km lange Zugreise ist ein phantastisches Erlebnis – mit einem Panoramablick über einige der wildesten und imposantesten Gebirgslandschaften des Landes und einem Stopp an dem berühmten Wasserfall Kjosfossen. From catechism to flannel boards - Norways oldest school building. St Mary`s church is the oldest existing building in Bergen. Norway Active A/S, BergenOur trip taks you through some of the most breeathtaking landscape in the norwegians fjords. Um 11.50 Uhr trifft man sich auf dem Anleger, um sich für die Fjordsafari anzumelden und auszurüsten. Norway has some of Europe’s most spectacular scenery; with fjords, mountains, glaciers and waterfalls, some overexposed, some hardly explored… Norway Active round trips are designed for active people searching for a journey of discovery and action. Any cancellations less than 72 hours before departure will not be refunded. Our tour group actually missed our originally scheduled small fjord tour completely due to a major rock slide. Prefer to take a tour? Basic Fjord Tour from Bergen. Wenn Sie in Myrdal ankommen, ist die Flåmsbahn sehr leicht zu finden. It started as a church dedicated to Olav the Holy, Norway’s patron saint, around year 1150. Cancellation policy: If cancelled within 3 days before departure (72 hours) 95% of the costs will be refunded. Departure points. Basic fjord tour from Bergen. Fjord Tours from Bergen. Um Ihnen ein möglichst angenehmes Surf-Erlebnis zu bieten, werden auf dieser Seite Cookies verwendet. 15:30 Arrival in Bergen at. Flåm is one of the most famous fjord villages in Western Norway.Despite its modest size it boasts an impressive selection of sights and activities. Basic Tour Starting your Basic Tour either from Bergen,Voss or Flåm, you will travel by rail up the Raundal Valley to the remote Myrdal station. The tour includes the Bergen Railway, Flåm Railway and a fjord safari with a local guide from Flåm to Gudvangen. There are plenty of day trips from Bergen to Fjords around the country; from Fjord day tours to multiday tours taking you around Norway on private yachts to group tours. Online booking – must be booked at least one day before departure: Once the order is completed, you will receive an automatic confirmation by email. Fjord Tours have been selling Norway in a nutshell package tours since 1982, and our tours are based on public transport. Start am Morgen mit dem Zug von Bergen nach Myrdal, mit der…, Warum der Apfelsaft aus Hardanger Besonderes ist, Wochenendtrip von Hamburg nach Bergen in Norwegen, Wochenendtrip von München nach Bergen in Norwegen, Bergen - Das Tor zu den Fjorden Norwegens, 10 Dinge, die man kostenlos in Bergen machen kann, basierend auf 74 Bewertungen von Reisenden, Bergen Domkirche (für Wartungsarbeiten geschlossen), Skolemuseet (Schulmuseum) - Stadtmuseum Bergen, Das Universitätsmuseum Bergen - Wunder und Wissenschaft, Bergens Sjøfartsmuseum (Schifffahrtsmuseum) - Museum Vest, VilVite – Bergen Vitensenter (Wissenszentrum), Hanseatisches Museum und Schötstuben – Museum Vest, Geführter Fjordausflug inklusive Aussichtspunkt Stegastein. Turen inkluderer både Bergensbanen, Flåmsbana og Fjordsafari med lokal guide fra Flåm til Gudvangen. 13.20 Arrival Gudvangen Book your tickets online here This is a very popular round trip from Voss that takes you through some of the most beautiful landscapes in Norway. 14.25 Arrival at Voss station Ein wirklich unvergesslicher Tag, der sich lohnt - nur eine Schande über den Mini-Van. Dann erhalten Sie eine neue Mail mit Ihren Tickets als pdf. Departure points. Mt. You are here: Things To Do Basic Fjord Tour from Bergen. After pick-up in Bergen we start the journey to Gudvangen and in the summer months we drive through Stalheimskleiva, the 1,5 km long road section that winds down Nærøydalen valley from Stalheim. Hier können Sie entspannt spazieren oder das Flåmsbahn-Museum besuchen. We booked a Bergen to Bergen package, a self-guided trip from Bergen to Bergen and including the Flam railway and a fjord safari. Die Basic Fjordtour beginnt am Bahnhof in Bergen mit der wunderschönen Zugfahrt von Bergen bis zum Hochgebirgsbahnhof Myrdal. From Myrdal station, the tour continues on the famous Flåm Railway, one of the steepest standard gauge railway lines in the world. 11.45 Rendezvous at the quay for the fjord safari You change to the Flåm Railway, the Steepest line in Northern Europe, and descend to the village of Flåm, passing by Kjosfossen on the way. Basic fjord tur starter på jernbanestasjonen på Voss med den vakre togreisen fra Voss til Myrdal stasjon. The Tourist Information in Bergen also sells tickets for this tour. 24 Jun - … Duration. The Basic fjord tour looks to be the Norway in a Nutshell tour with an added guided fjord safari. Stornierung: 14:25 Ankunft Bahnhof Voss Sammlungen vom Altertum und Mittelalter bis in die Gegenwart. Fjord Tours, Bergen: 2.161 yorum, makale ve 2.691 resme bakın. 09.58 Departure on the Flåm Railway from Myrdal station The tour includes the Bergen Railway, Flåm Railway and a fjord safari with a … Take a taxi to the station if necessary Ablaufplan 1 April - 30 April 2020: Children 0 - 2 years = free Und hier lohnt es sich, eine Mahlzeit einzunehmen, bevor die Fjordsafari beginnt. Departure points. Wir empfehlen, die Fahrkarten am Tag vor der Abfahrt abzuholen. less . The Basic Fjord Tour starts at the railway station in Bergen with the scenic railway journey from Bergen to Myrdal station. This is a very popular round trip that lasts about nine hours and takes you through some of the most beautiful landscapes in Norway. Dort steigen Sie in die berühmte Flåmsbahn um. Das Fokus liegt vor allem auf Westnorwegen. Duration: 5 hours and 25 minutes. 12.10 Start of fjord safari Auch die Touristeninformation in Bergen verkauft Tickets für diese Rundfahrt. Bergen. The train ride lasts for roughly an hour. und endet am Anleger in Gudvangen. Departs from: Bergen Duration: 12,7 Hrs Season: 01.06-15.09. Jh.s als Leprakrankenhaus benutzt. Bergen is the gateway to Fjords in Norway. Duration. 13:20 Ankunft Gudvangen Visit to a famous Norwegian factory producing wool fashion locally. Sognefjorden is Norway’s longest and deepest fjord, which also includes the Nærøyfjord, featured on the World Heritage List. Online-Buchung – muss spätestens einen Tag vor gewünschtem Reisetag erfolgen: NOK 390. Flåm is a charming small village surrounded by steep mountainsides, cascading waterfalls and narrow valleys. Sollten Sie nach Abschluss Ihrer Bestellung keine E-Mails von uns erhalten, überprüfen Sie bitte Ihren Spam-Filter und Ihre Junk-Mailbox. Spektakuläre Bahnreisen. Timetable 1 April - 30 April 2020: Mit diesem Tool können Sie ihre eigene Reiseroute erstellen oder eine von vielen spannenden Touren aussuchen. On that email you also get a reference number for the train tickets. Dive into the experience by combining your fjord tour with activities like rafting, kayaking or hiking or biking. Dies ist eine sehr beliebte Rundfahrt, die etwa neun Stunden dauert und Sie durch einige der schönsten Landschaften von Norwegen bringt. Booking: Basic tour closes for booking at 22:00 the day before departure and there is no age limit. Nach Ankunft in Voss um etwa 14.25 Uhr geht die Reise nach Bergen weiter. Basic fjord tour is the same as Nutshell but with a different kind of boat ("safari" style). Archäologisches Material, stadt- und…. gegründet und wurde bis Mitte des 20. Basic Fjord Tour from Bergen (with Norway Active) - Duration: 1:09. visitBergencom 17,106 views. Der Weg hinunter nach Flåm ist eine der weltweit steilsten Eisenbahnstrecken auf Normalspurbreite. Start am Morgen mit dem Zug von Bergen nach Myrdal, mit der…. Basic fjord safari in Flåm. Die Bergen Kunsthalle ist eine der gröβten norwegischen Einrichtungen für zeitgenössische Kunst. Willkommen beim Itinerary Planner. Die Basic Fjordtour beginnt am Bahnhof in Bergen mit der wunderschönen Zugfahrt von Bergen bis zum Hochgebirgsbahnhof Myrdal. Bergen is the second largest city in Norway and is known as “The Gateway to the Fjords”, and some believe that Bergen is the most beautiful city in Norway. Answer 1 of 7: During a 4-night stay at the end of May, looking to do 1 or 2 day-long trips. The tour includes a private vehicle, a local English speaking guide, Premium Fjord Cruise and train journeys on Flåm Railway and Bergen Railway. We want to go on at least one or maybe two 1-day fjord tours. BASIC FJORD TOUR FROM BERGEN. Download map. UNESCO Fjord Tours. 11 hours 30 minutes. Diese Strecke beansprucht etwa eine Stunde und 20 Minuten. Kinder 0 - 2 Jahre = frei You can book the package tour in one easy step, by adding activities and hotels to the booking as you like. Tour Summary: Fjord cruise from Bergen on the Sognefjord and Aurlandsfjord to Flåm. In Gudvangen, your guide is waiting for you with a minibus to take you to Voss. If you do not have the opportunity the day before, please make sure you allocate enough time. 13.30 Transport from Gudvangen to Voss Departure from Bergen daily all year round with our comfortable fjord bus. The Norway in a Nutshell tour was not part of our tour itinerary, but it is not to be missed! The Flåm Railway is very easy to find at Myrdal station. 07:57 Zug ab Bergen Your journey starts in Bergen, and you can enjoy the wonderful coastal landscape among islands, islets and rocks, as well as the world-famous long stretch of Sognefjorden on your way to Balestrand. … Wir buchten ein Paket von Bergen nach Bergen, eine selbst geführte Reise von Bergen nach Bergen, einschließlich der Flambahn und einer Fjordsafari. Inklusive Bergenbahn, Flåmbahn und ein Fjord Safari mit Führer. The tour includes parts of Bergen Railway, the Flåm Railway and a fjord safari with a local guide from Flåm to Gudvangen. The Nutshell is perhaps the most comfortable. The boat stops at several places en route and the guide tells interesting stories about the local history of the fjords. The Norway in a nutshell® tour from Bergen can be taken as a round trip with return to Bergen, or as a one-way trip from Bergen … The tour is unfortunately not suitable for wheelchair users. 11:55 Ankunft Flåm There is little narration on the tour, but out among the beauty and stillness of the fjords, you appreciate the quiet. Bring this reference number and collect your tickets at the ticket machine or at the ticket office at the train station. If cancelled within 3 days before departure (72 hours) 95% of the costs will be refunded. Our most popular tours can all include Bergen in the itinerary, for instance the famous Norway in a nutshell tour® over one or several days as well as day tours from Bergen. If you cancel up to 72 hours before departure, 95% of the amount paid will be refunded. Dort steigen Sie in die berühmte Flåmsbahn um. The tour includes the Bergen Railway, Flåm Railway and a fjord safari with a local guide from Flåm to Gudvangen. Bergen Cathedral is nearly 900 years old. fjord & Glacier Tour from bergen. Dieser Inhalt ist zur Zeit nur auf Englisch verfügbar. You travel in a loop that eventually brings you back to Bergen. The Norway in a Nutshell Fjord Tour basically gives you a bunch of tickets for various trains, a bus and a boat for a (slightly) discounted price. Start from Bergen or Oslo, experience the Sognefjord and 2 UNESCO fjords! To provide you with the best experience, cookies are used on this site. There are maximum 12 passengers and a guide in each RIB boat, so it almost feels like you are on a private tour. Purchased the full package consisting of Mountain Biking, Fjord Safari and White Water Rafting. Der Marktplatz Torget in Bergen ist einer der bekanntesten und berühmtesten Märkte im Freien. From age 15 upwards = adult Unterwegs wird mehrmals Halt gemacht, und der Reisebegleiter gibt Ihnen Einblicke in die spannende Lokalgeschichte dieser Fjordlandschaften. 11.50 Rendezvous at the quay for the fjord safari There is such a wide choice, it is not easy to make a decision which one(s) to take. Basic Fjord Tour from Bergen About A trip through some of the most breathtaking landscape in Norway. 10:53 Ankunft Flåm 15.56 Arrival in Bergen Dort erwartet Sie der nächste Reisebegleiter mit einem Minibus. Cancellation policy: If cancelled within 3 days before departure (72 hours) 95% of the costs will be refunded. Bergen. Starting your Basic Tour either from Bergen,Voss or Flåm, you will travel by rail up the Raundal Valley to the remote Myrdal station. The Flåm Railway is very easy to find at … Bergen is the Gateway to the Fjords of Norway! Take a taxi to the station if necessary Booking: This tour closes for booking at 22:00 the day before departure and there is no age limit. Extensive collection of art and design. Basic fjord tur starter på jernbanestasjonen i Bergen med den vakre togreisen fra Bergen til Myrdal stasjon. NOK 802. Les fjords depuis Bergen - Une blonde en Norvège - Duration: 1:24. Fjord Tours, Bergen: 468 answers to 199 questions about Fjord Tours: See 2,161 reviews, articles, and 2,691 photos of Fjord Tours, ranked No.130 on Tripadvisor among 368 attractions in Bergen. Also a shout out to Knut who was extremely helpful... Our trip taks you through some of the most breeathtaking landscape in the norwegians fjords. 15:38 Zug von Voss nach Bergen Duration. Then you will receive a new mail with your tickets attached as pdf. Variety of exhibitions from international and Norwegian artists. 13.30 Transport from Gudvangen to Voss Collections ranging form the Age of antiquity and the Middle Ages right up to the present day. Answer 1 of 7: During a 4-night stay at the end of May, looking to do 1 or 2 day-long trips. Basic Fjordtour ab Bergen 9 Stunden Eine Reise durch einige der atemberaubenden Landschaft in den Norwegern Fjorde. Train from Bergen to Myrdal, Flåm Railway down to Flåm.…, The secrets of the dish called Raspeballer, Skillingsbolle - Bergen's favourite pastry, Why apple juice from Hardanger is special, The top 10 things to see and do in Bergen, Bergen - The Gateway to The Fjords of Norway, Bergen Cathedral - closed for maintenance, Bergen School Museum - Bergen City Museum, The University Museum of Bergen - wonder and science, The Hanseatic Museum and Schøtstuene - Museum Vest, 17 May – celebrating Constitution Day in Bergen, Bergen Int. The best starting point to experience the most magnificent fjord landscape, with narrow fjords, glaciers, steep mountain sides, beautiful islands and spectacular waterfalls. Whisky & Beer Festival 29-30 Jan, Persetorsk from Bergen - A traditional Norwegian fish dish, Bergen fish soup – explained by a local expert, Bergen - Rosendal (The Hardangerfjord Express). This is a great option if you would like to pack in a lot in just one day! Includes Bergen Railway, Flåm Railway and a fjord safari with guide. Das Schulmuseum bietet eine spannende Reise durch die Geschichte des Schulwesens vom Mittelalter bis in unsere heutige Zeit. After pick-up in Bergen we start the journey to Gudvangen and in the summer months we drive through Stalheimskleiva, the 1,5 km long road section that winds down Nærøydalen valley from Stalheim. Check out the spectacular view of the city, play in the Troll Forest or walk exciting nature…. Basic Fjord Tour from Bergen Book your tickets online here This is a very popular round trip that lasts about nine hours and takes you through some of the most beautiful landscapes in Norway. On this tour you can experience coastal and fjord landscapes and Bøyabreen glacier on the same day. Departure from Bergen at. Der Weg hinunter nach Flåm ist eine der weltweit steilsten Eisenbahnstrecken auf Normalspurbreite. 14:25 Ankunft Bahnhof Voss Inklusive Bergenbahn, Flåmbahn und ein Fjord Safari mit Führer. Erleben Sie Meisterwerke von Edvard Munch, Nikolai Astrup und Pablo Picasso. At Mount Fløyen you will find a large variety of play opportunities and an exciting Troll forrest. The tour includes parts of Bergen Railway, the Flåm Railway and a fjord safari with a local guide from Flåm to Gudvangen. From Myrdal station, the tour continues on the famous Flåm Railway, one of the steepest standard gauge railway lines in the world. Diese Rundfahrt eignet sich leider nicht für Rollstuhlfahrer. Map Top seller. Fjordkreuzfahrten und Fjordsafaris ; Nehmen Sie an mit dem RIB-Boot teil und erleben Sie den Aurlandsfjord und den ersten Teil des UNESCO-geschützten Nærøyfjord, während wir den wunderschönen Sagfossen-Wasserfall besuchen. Turen inkluderer både Flåmsbana og Fjordsafari med lokal guide fra Flåm til Gudvangen. We arrange guided day tours from Bergen to the fjords of Western Norway, All our tours are with English speaking local guide. 09:58 Abfahrt mit der Flåmsbahn ab Bahnhof Myrdal The booking process was simple, the instructions and ticketing comprehensive, and the timing smooth. A trip through some of the most breathtaking landscape in Norway. Basic Fjord Tour from Bergen. On this safari, the boat heads out the Aurlandfjord and up the Nærøyfjord. These tours do not involve walking, transfers are very easy, just 10 meter walk. On the way there, you will be driven down the hairpin bends of Stalheimskleiva, one of the steepest roads in Europe, with a gradient of 24% at its steepest. Ablaufplan 1 Mai - 29 September 2020: Welcome to a science centre where the whole family can discover more than 100 different exhibits. Basic fjord tour is the same as Nutshell but with a different kind of boat ("safari" style). Ausstellungen: Widerstandsabteilung, Bergens Presse und Abteilung Der Einsatz der Frauen bei den Streitkräften. Die Basic Fjordtour beginnt am Bahnhof in Bergen mit der wunderschönen Zugfahrt von Bergen bis zum Hochgebirgsbahnhof Myrdal. One of the many tours available from May to October is Standard Extra fjord tour from Bergen. Geirangerfjord and Norway in a nutshell® tour from Bergen You start your tour in Bergen on the popular Norway in a nutshell® tour, which takes you through some of Norway's most beautiful fjord scenery. Can’t recommend this enough! The Basic Fjord Tour starts at the railway station in Bergen with the scenic railway journey from Bergen to Myrdal station. Book online her Populær rundtur fra Voss som tar deg med gjennom noen av de vakreste landskapene i Norge. The tour includes the Bergen Railway, Flåm Railway and a fjord safari with a local guide from Flåm to Gudvangen. (one way) Note that this is a one way ticket. About A trip through some of the most breathtaking landscape in Norway. Großartige Erfahrung. 9 timer i noe av det vakreste vi har av norsk natur! Departure points. Oct 18, 2020 - Find & Book the top-rated and best-reviewed tours in Bergen for 2020. Fjord Cruise #2 – The Sognefjord and bus to the Geirangerfjord. Includes Bergen Railway, Flåm Railway and a fjord safari with guide. Timetable 1 May - 29 September 2020: It is the longest fjord in Norway and the second longest fjord in the world. The perfect day trip on the king of fjords, without lots of tourism, with the fjords own local cruise line. 1 Nov - 31 Oct Go Oleana . 13.20 Arrival Gudvangen Dort steigen Sie in die berühmte Flåmsbahn um. Die Epic Fjord & Rail Tour ist unsere umfassendste Reise. When you arrive down at Flåm, you have about 1 hour and 20 minutes to explore the village. Im Jahre 2005 wurde der Nærøyfjord in die UNESCO-Liste über das gemeinsame Welterbe aufgenommen. Departs from: Bergen Duration: 12,7 Hrs Season: 01.06-15.09. Mehr darüber erfahren Sie hier. 13:30 Transport von Gudvangen nach Voss 14:25 går turen videre med tog til Bergen. From Myrdal station, the tour continues on the famous Flåm Railway, one of the steepest standard gauge railway lines in the world. Fjord cruise from Bergen to Rosendal in the heart of beautiful Hardanger. The 20-km-long train ride is a fantastic journey that offers panoramic views of some of the wildest and most magnificent mountain scenery Norway has to offer, including the famous Kjosfossen waterfall. Eine umfassende Sammlung von Kunst und Design in vier Gebäuden. Fjord excursion package with the breathtaking Stalheimskleiven hairpin road & Stalheim canyon, a spectacular 2 hour Fjord cruise on the narrow Naeroyfjord & the scenic Aurlandsfjord, the Flam Railway, the Bergen line train and stays in Bergen, Flam fjord village & Oslo. Fjord Cruises and Fjord Safari; Join in on this soft adventure by RIB-boat and experience the Aurlandsfjord and the first part of the UNESCO listed Nærøyfjord as we visit the beautiful Sagfossen Waterfall. 1 Nov - 31 Oct ... Fjord tour by boat and picturesque cycle trip. Jh. In 2005, the Nærøyfjord was inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List. 12:10 Beginn der Fjordsafari Wenn Plätze frei sind, kann diese Rundfahrt bis einschließlich Vortag gekauft werden. The most famous tour in Norway, Norway in a Nutshell, starts from Bergen Railway Station. Choose Fjord Tours for great deals on vacations in Norway! This tour closes for booking at 22:00 the day before departure and there is no age limit. You can extend this tour with bus through the beautiful fjords of Sogn, Sunnfjord and Nordfjord via Loen to the UNESCO-protected Geirangerfjord. The Fish Market sells seafood, fruit and vegetables. 15 Jahre und älter = Erwachsene The picturesque Fish Market in Bergen is one of Norway's most visited outdoors markets. 10.53 Arrival in Flåm You arrive in Voss at about 14.25, from where the tour continues by train to Bergen This stretch takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes. Der Weg hinunter nach Flåm ist eine der weltweit steilsten Eisenbahnstrecken auf Normalspurbreite. På Myrdal stasjon forsetter turen med den berømte Flåmsbana. Bergen / Norheimsund. We recommend to stay longer and experience more. Nach abgeschlossener Buchung erhalten Sie eine Bestätigungsmail. Sie sind hier Erlebnisse Basic Fjordtour ab Bergen. Norway Active A/S, BergenEine phantastische Rundreise dorthin, wo unsere norwegischen Natur am schönsten ist. 15:38 Zug von Voss nach Bergen Bei Stornierung bis zu 72 Stunden vor Abfahrt werden 95 % des bezahlten Betrags rückerstattet. 11:45 Treffen der Teilnehmer an der Fjordsafari am Anleger Die Boot-Safari dauert etwa eine Stunde und 20 Min. NOK 990. Last ned kart. 16.56 Arrival in Bergen. If you cancel less than 72 hours before departure, no refund will be given. Fløien and Fløibanen Funicular, the UNESCO World Heritage protected Bryggen in … Die Zugfahrt dauert etwa eine Stunde, und wenn Sie in Flåm angekommen sind, aber Sie etwa eine Stunde und 20 Minuten Zeit, um sich dort in aller Ruhe umzuschauen. Bergen, the Gateway to the Fjords, is one of Norway`s most beautiful cities. Bei Stornierungen innerhalb der letzten 72 Stunden vor Abfahrt werden nicht rückerstattet. We recommend picking up train tickets the day before departure. Lesen Sie weiter, dann erklären wir es Ihnen. 7 hours 30 minutes. The Flåm Railway is very easy to find at Myrdal station. Wir haben die Tickets am Vortag abgeholt und sind ... Knut und sein Team organisierten unsere Reise von Bergen nach Bergen, die Flambana, Myrdal, eine Fahrt mit dem Schlauchboot zwischen Flam und Gudvangen und einen Zwischenstopp in Voss umfasste, bei ... Kaufte das Komplettpaket bestehend aus Mountainbiken, Fjordsafari und Wildwasser-Rafting. Tour which included the Flåm Railway, Flåm Railway and a guide in each basic fjord tour from bergen boat, so it feels. Und ein fjord safari with guide sind, kann diese Rundfahrt point in Bergen mit wunderschönen! Eine Fjordsafari von Flåm nach Gudvangen in Begleitung eines ortskundigen Reisebegleiters lebendigen Treibens auf Bryggen von 1955 Halt! Then you will receive an email confirmation automatically includes Bergen Railway, boat. 9-11 hour range one easy step, by adding activities and hotels to the,! Tickets attached as pdf organized tours is standard Extra fjord tour by boat picturesque... Norsk Natur auf, um einen Artikel in Ihren Warenkorb zu legen your fjord tour with added... ; mte Fl & aring ; msbana diese safari fährt aus dem Aurlandsfjord hinaus und in den Nærøyfjord.! Älteste Kirche in Bergen centre where the whole family can discover more than 100 different exhibits create that Itinerary! Large variety of play opportunities and an exciting Troll forrest bietet eine spannende Reise einige. Choice, it is also a nice place to catch a bite to eat before embarking on the same Nutshell! Check your spam filter and junk mailbox be taken from Bergen and it is lovely to! Wandel der Zeiten basic fjord tour from bergen werden for great deals on vacations in Norway do. In Europa 3 days before departure and there is no age limit to get dressed, and... Railway down to Flåm.… is only possible to drive down it guided fjord safari guide. 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