how to desire god
God gives you the desires of your heart. We need to let go of our kids, spouse, friends and all in the pleasures in the world that we crave for affection and happiness before our hour comes or all will be lost. Her greatest desire is to be a channel of God’s comfort and encouragement. If suffering is all that is required to effect this change, I offer myself with my whole heart to You that I may suffer all the martyrdom and torments that ever have been and ever shall be suffered in the world. Want to desire God? This we need to admit. Therefore, we need to begin the journey towards removing our attachments and habitual sins, one sin at a time, until the Spirit enlightens us to all of the sins we desire, so we can seek God’s grace to sincerely hate those sins and truly desire God alone. The lie we live with thinking we truly love God when we still don’t is what kills us. Anything else is loving our will (sin) over God’s and rejects God’s saving forgiving mercy from idolizing ourselves. Whom have I in heaven but you? Therefore, our goal in life is to steadily remove our inordinate attachments (the things we desire that aren’t to know, serve and love God) as we grow and grow in grace, so we can one day love Him above all and desire God alone. He does not give you your heart’s desire. However, if we peruse the path of Life correctly, we won’t want the world but God alone. (James 4:1) The truth that God leads us through desires is not an excuse to live a life of self-pleasure and self-fulfillment. I also found ways to focus on him throughout my day. This must end, if we seek to desire God alone. If someone lacks grace to suffer like Christ, neglecting to show them love and care they expect won’t help them grow in holiness, it will only make them bitter and angry and feel self-pity…not that seeing our fruits of pride (anger-self pity, etc.) We have become hooked on the “feel good” sensation attention delivers and we feel we deserve it. We say something funny looking to be liked. Article Images Copyright ©, 3 Beautiful Ways God Transformed My Desire, How to Start 2021 Strong in the Midst of Chaos. The words were truly from my heart, as sincere as I could possibly be. This growing to desire God alone, is a constant progress. Psalm 31:21 says, “Blessed God! I long to love my Jesus and I will to love Him perfectly, no matter what the cost, no matter what the sacrifice.”. Focus. It’s easy to get swept away with the desires and longings of this world. But the goal for those who seek to grow in humility, is to not seek attention from anyone, but to run from it and run to the Lord instead. Truly, if someone were to pick us up and drop us off onto a deserted island, we just know we would go crazy without our gadgets and gizmos, without out our friends and family, without out our job and sports, what ever it is that we can’t live without, since we don’t yet have a true relationship with God and the perfect joy and sanctification God alone provides. For example: if we have to work extra hard, we tell others to seek their pity; if we are sick, we notify others seeking their compassion. How to Develop a Desire for the Word of God I think the two best things you can do to develop a desire for the Word of God are to pray and to start reading the Bible! âThe souls in hell having been found at the moment of death with a will to sin, have with them an infinite degree of guilt; and the punishment they suffer, though less than they deserve [because of the infinite degree of guilt from one act of self-love], is yet, so far as it exists, endless.âÂ. We have to be honest with our selves. But we can’t have God fill us with His love, if we run to other things to fill us instead. It did not come over night and at times has been a fight, but it came. But don’t worry, in time all of the things we were doing for personal comfort, entertainment, consolation, praise, etc. God is there too wagging, smiling, and waiting for us…but since we don’t know Him like we do our dogie, we can’t wait for our dog (family) instead of God, who is constantly waiting for us. And the only way we can even come close to knowing how much attention someone needs is to pray and learn from our errors. The last thing was God’s responsibility. And how do we love God–by surrendering our will for His (not sinning). How do I distinguish between my desires and God’s? God’s eros arises from his perfection and completeness. But we have to leave them (metaphorically for some)–remove the attachments from our lives–and live for God alone, while still living in the world. We don’t suffer like Christ or the saints at all. Why Does God Allow Suffering and Punishment? Unless we have allowed God’s grace to transform us greatly, we want to be happy, comfortable and loved by man…Yes, we are self-absorbed and mostly only do what we do for our happiness. Oh, we are a mess of self-loving wants. Do we, the parent, still expect our children to honor our every wish; do we still tell them what to do; do we still wish them to entertain and serve us? Ask ourselves: what do we do with our free time? I had suffered the indescribable pain of adultery. Read the whole thing. When He allows something we really love to leave, we are crushed. Publication date : … We can’t let the devil deceive us. However, in the beginning of our conversion it is good that we have them, because since we don’t really have God yet we actually need them to live. Image Credit: Jared Erondu/Unsplash. If we are still in love with the world, we simply can’t obtain the perfect love, comfort and peace God alone truly provides. The evil one desires to cause us to want that love–not God–to keep us temporally happy and lost/deceived. Take my yoke [commands] upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. This is what destroys our relationship with God and our spouses and others. It is that desire for love/happiness from others or from things and not from God that rejects God’s saving love. Why would we even want any of that nonsense in the world if we have God? We want to be filled with His love, but we don’t really believe leaving the world and truly following Him will provide it, so we still clinging to the world and its pleasures instead of God. If we pray and God fills us with unspeakable love, we don’t desire that bliss…we want nothing. Just tragic. Desire Other Things More. For many the thought that we need to remove all of the things in the world we have grown to love and desire, that we choose to spend our free time with, might seem impossible and simply not required for salvation. My greatest desire is to walk daily in your presence.”. I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods [grace from You alone is all I need]; with singing lips my mouth will praise you. On my bed I remember you; I think of you [nothing of the world] through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings [that protect me from sin]. I cling to you [no worldly pleasure]; your right hand upholds me [will save me]” (Psalm 63). 10 Marriage Goals Every Couple Should Have for 2021, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright © 2021, Yet, Jesus alone is to be our life–our everything. That needs to be our goal in life to: to suffer for the love of God so to send grace for the salvation of souls. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. 1. I want this, I want that…we want and want, not according to God’s will but our own. If we don’t honestly seek to stop craving the pleasures of the world, we won’t ever come to really know God’s perfect satisfying love or enjoy Eternity with Him. They go together. That is the underlying factor to all sin we choose. Stories of God moving, healing, revealing, providing, strengthening, speaking, and showing himself spark my faith and make me want more and more. We shouldn’t be jealous of the families that hang out and do many fun things together. John of the Cross. Will an Indulgence Take Away My Punishment for My Sins? Dec 30, 2020. However, for all sins we commit after our baptism, we are accountable for them and need to be forgiven and atone for them from God's mercy... God has a wonderful, yet different plan, for all of our lives that will lead us to a fantastic life of joy on earth and for all eternity. About Israel, God told Ezekiel, "And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. The 1st Desire of God’s Heart 1 Corinthians 1:9 tells us “God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our LORD.” God’s main call, His main desire for all of His followers, is to have fellowship with Him If we can’t find God’s true love on earth, we won’t find Him when we die. I took off running, knowing that God always met me as my feet pounded the pavement. Oh, how much harder it is to let go of loving them over God and desiring their affection instead of God’s when our family dotes over us! They came from somewhere deep inside of me, perhaps a place that I didn’t even know existed. You’re in God’s will in other areas. Here are four simple ways to grow in our desire for God more. How Can I Save the Soul of Someone Dying â Our Greatest Hour . We must sincerely cry out to God for strength and forgiveness with a humble heart and become a man like David “a man after my [Jesus’] own heart”; truly willing to “carry out my [Jesus’] every wish [not our own will]” (Acts 13:62). We want God to make us happy, and we even want our happiness with bounds of worldly pleasures (people, power and possessions) as well. As a new year dawns, consider that God’s word offers great treasures on a first reading, and many of its greatest ones as we reread year after year. Like the Lord said, “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me” (Mathew 10:37). For people will be lovers of themselves…lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God (2 Timothy 3:1-2)…Therefore, if we want Eternal Life, we must seek Mercy to change so we can “do everything for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). Sadly, we don’t seek to love God; we seek to love ourselves. But, be alert, check our intentions and desires…and if we seeking to be loved we need to work on modify our desires and seek to give love receiving God’s love alone? No. We don’t have fear of the Lord. “Whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst [for a pleasure of the world again and be completely satisfied with Me]” (John 4:14). I don’t know if you can say with the psalmist that there is nothing on earth that compares to him. Nothing matter except that I be set free from all that displeases my Savior and of all attachments that keep me from loving Him. Once in a great while, we think we have found perfect beauty. How can we obtain a true love for God if our eyes are on another? But we want to be addicted to God…the one who deliver us perfect everlasting happiness. To grow in true humility, we need to not seek to be loved, but to seek only to love. How did I make the journey? If we desire anything but God we die. As my focus changed from the hurts of the past to the beauty of my future, I began to find delight in my Savior. We need to honestly look into our entire life because desiring one thing that isn’t God, rejects it all. Sadly, some of us never grow up; we still want to play and be loved by others; we don’t seek the one and only true Love of our heart…not with a desire the will win Him. If we are reciprocated love in return–great, but alert that we don’t allow the devil, who is looking to sneak into our lives and kill us, to make us addicted to love. Like I said, for most, we simply can’t get ride of every attachment all at once, we would sink from a lack of faith. Well, of course, we will still have wants, because that is what every choice is: doing what we want (our will). They don’t know God well enough and how to feel God’s incredible love through the cross alone, therefore, without the love from man, they feel all alone and unloved. We need to ask ourselves, “why am I talking?” And if it isn’t for the benefit of our neighbor, it is sinful. For Eternal life we need a truthful desire for God’s will alone, hating our own (which sadly most don’t have), and to obtain perfection, we need not only a desire for God alone but that desire has been put into action so perfectly, we now relent our will completely that we no longer allow our sinful will to move us, only God’s grace (His will) moves all of our thoughts, words and deeds–then our will is perfectly united to God’s, and we have perfect love of Him. Instead of being on a journey for what we desire, I believe we are all on a spiritual journey, a journey that should culminate with knowing God and being known by Him. What would we do without our phones or friends! “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30). But we have to really want to find God, because this path is incredibly harder than it is for a religious. We don’t partake in a worldly pleasure because we have to, but because we want to. Therefore, to learn how to let go of such a great desire innately within us, so we can sincerely desire to love God alone takes much grace as our sinful will is very strong, as I explain. But, we might even find ourselves saying, “If I give up all that I love, what am I supposed to do with my time…just sit around and pray all day.” And right now that might sound just horrible, because we don’t have the grace to want to pray all day–to love and be with God all of the time–and we simply prefer the TV, internet, video games, movies, working, shopping, pleasurable eating, playing, friends, etc. However, there are those who have left the world behind completely to love God and pursue living for Him perfectly by entering into a strict religious life. “Oh, nobody cares about me,” we cry. Will an Indulgence Take Away the Punishment for My Sins? Oh, sad soul, who wants to live a long life in this wretched world away from Our Beloved, who thinks how sad it is for someone, who is a saint, to die young. “God, I want to want you more than anything else,” I cried out from the depths of my pain. (I know that is hard to understand…how can we eat, sleep, etc. Delight. God says forthrightly, “This is the fast I desire.” What if we viewed our fasts as a way to establish justice and bring God’s goodness to the world instead of seeking our own piety? If we look we can clearly see our attachments. How to Become Attached to God, Not the World. Never, seeking to go out with friends, or wanting to eat a great meal or longing to watch a great show…or desiring anything that we used to think make life so great…anything at all we sought to gratify our will for pleasure, but only seeking to love God and live for His will alone….Yes, when we desire God alone, we thirst for nothing but be perfectly satisfied with God….not to get love from God, but to GIVE love to God by way of the cross. God willing, after reading this article, we will develop a clearer understanding of what are some of the sinful things we choose (desire), that pushes away God’s love so we can repent and change. Believing In Christ as Lord is the Beginning of Faith, How to Trust in God and Remain in Peace When Things Go Very Wrong. This feeling of God’s wonderful love that He does provide, many of us experience to some degree, but for most of us, sadly it isn’t even close to complete, because we still lack the faith (belief) that accepts the amazing perfect peace and love we should be receiving. I don ’ t know if you don ’ t perfectly healthy or comfortable satisfied! Great despair over the selfishness of our sins, surrendering everything to Savior. Incompleteness and imperfection to fill us with His love, therefore we need to work up to gaining kind... Simply have no idea how much we desire other things to fill us me along the of! Us too with the Psalmist that there is nothing on earth, we want children... Lead me along the path of life correctly, we think they should not according God! Pounded the pavement right, that he had a plan the true (! 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